Virginia does it again..and Soays are due to arrive on Sat

One of the best things about the smallholding is keeping muscovy ducks, as i said earlier, I am a huge fan. Virginia and Orlando have done it again. Last night, under the coverof darkness, Becs and I crept out and lifted V off of her nest to candle the eggs. This involves shinning a bright light through the egg to see what is happening inside. ALL OF THEM ARE DEVELOPING A DUCKLING. Those ducks are so reliable and simple, I love keeping them. So we hav another 12 eggs on the way, which is a result this late in the season.

On a more unpleasant note, Linford, our runner duck drake, got his leg tangled in a loose piece of weed supresant membrain. (A thread-like piece had come away from the main fabric), this happened on the day we returned from our holiday, so he must have been trapped for a day. We freed him as soon as we found him and isolated him in the hosital arc, his leg was brused and sore, but thankfully not damaged. Today he is up and about again and looking like he will make a full recovery. I feel awful, but at least he is O.K, we will have to be more careful about the threads around the edge of the pasture, and make sure he can;t get himself in that mess again.

We are going to pick up the sheep this Saturday, so that should be exciting. Photos to follow.

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